Causes of color difference in injection mold processing

Injection mold processing technology has become more and more popular in the plastic product production industry. After decades of development, the entire process has become mature, but many injection mold factories still often encounter problems in the injection mold processing, leading to final production. The product is unqualified, so what factors will affect the color difference?

Chromatic aberration problems in injection molded products

① Factors in raw materials:

Including toner replacement, plastic material brand change, and styling agent replacement.

② Different types of raw materials:

Dongguan injection molding manufacturers pointed out that, for example, PP material and ABS material or PC material require the same color, but there is a slight color difference due to different material types, but a limited range is allowed.

③ Reasons for equipment process:

The temperature, pressure and melting time during the injection molding process will also cause color difference problems. In addition, process factors such as different batches of materials and different machine beers will also affect them.
④ Environmental factors: DongguanInjection mold manufacturersAfter years of experience summarizing, generally the barrel is not clean, the drying hopper has dust, and the mold has oil stains.

⑤ Toner factors: some toners are not subject to temperature, and products are easily changed by temperature changes.

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